Man it’s just 5 AM , lemme sleep for 15 minutes . 15 minutes later do the same thing again. And again. Eventually it goes till 8 AM, or even worse 10 AM.(TIME TRAVEL IS POSSIBLE ;)).That’ll be the perfect way to kill your day. YOU KNOW WHY? .Your losing the battle with yourself first thing in the morning . No wonder you wake up tired. You start your day in a bad mood and you take it with you everywhere. To your work, your friends and family. You spread you negative energy to everyone and they start avoiding you eventually. And you’re wondering WTH is happening to my life.

Alright let’s break this stuff up. Coz i always believe this policy of breaking it down till the root of the situation, or problem. So what’s happening here is that you’re wired in such a way that you’d give up easily in certain situations or circumstances ,irrespective of your willpower. We’re tackling the easiest and the most basic stuff here ” Waking up early”. Apparently a lot of factors affect this. What time you go to bed?  whether you’re using your mobile device before you got to sleep? your diet?  and so on. Well in this generation it’s hard to control all of those. And we’d eventually give up. I Tried this to and i have failed many times in past. I looked a lot of stuff on internet before i go to sleep (sometimes negative stuffs) , i used to live on junk foods , i sleep at 1 or 2 in the morning. This all adds up why i could not achieve my goal. So there we go . we’ve solved half the problem. We’ve realised the problem from its root . Now we can move forward.

Always remember, What works for others might not work for you. So don’t pull your hair if things aren’t working for you. You just have to take a different path or approach. Just focus on the goal and keep moving. It’s all about your mindset. What you’re thinking ,what you’re seeing, what you’re hearing has impact on it. That’s why it’s crucial that you look at positive things, guide yourself into positive thinking. Believe me it’s achievable by practice.It’s just like a muscle . you can slowly build it up. Talk about good things.Be grateful for what you have and who you are. You’re on this amazing journey of LIFE and you really don’t have time to stop and look at negative stuffs. you’re in this journey for a different purpose and you’ll realise it through the journey. So don’t stop. Get back up and keep moving. Nothing can bring you down as long as you are moving. Small things like smiling at a stranger, greeting someone , complementing someone is such a beautiful thing. It creates a positive vibe around you and you’ll eventually start loving it.Coz that’s what life is meant to be . Love yourself and then others. It’s illogical for someone else to like us if we don’t like ourselves. You’re in charge of you life. Have courage and faith in yourself. Miracles do happen.

P.S:-Again I’ve started somewhere and ended somewhere else.



I started with a thought but ended with a story!!

One thing I’ve always found out is that there’s always two sides. Sometimes things look scary and you feel stuck and sometimes you’re confident. The mind keeps moving around those two sides. There’s no balance. You can’t hold onto a side coz it doesn’t work that way.If you hold onto being scared all the time then you’re losing the glory of life and on the other hand if you are always confident and you never doubt yourself . you lose the charm and fun in life.So its OKAY to drift around.

The only thing that matters is that you’ve gotta keep moving. Giving up is gonna make things worse . You’ll regret it later. No matter how hard it is , whether you like it or not at times, if you make a conscious decision that you’re gonna finish what you’ve started. Never stop. coz life is gonna throw a lot of hurdles at you and you’ll fall on the way. But if you keep moving. you’ll get the hang of it to move on.Soon the obstacles will bow to you. The mind is the biggest obstacle. Our brain is wired to quit stuff . If you train your mind in a proper way and discipline yourself. Then you’re the king. You can get whatever you want. Have faith and keep moving forward. You already know what you want in life. Start planning and execute. life is too precious to let go. You’re lucky to be alive right now.You never know when’s your time to leave. So buckle up and start working. You gotta be patient . Good things take time to nurture and grow until they have an impact on you. So you should be there for it everyday rootin for it no matter the situation, coz your life depends on it.